Very Educational
From the Journal of Professor Alexander Russell
Day 6 of vacation with my son, Scott

Scottie and I spent our third day at the resort in matching pink bikinis. Our transformed bodies were on parade, and the thrill of being watched and lusted over was starting to get to both of us.
“Mom… I can’t believe I'm saying this, just like I can’t believe it’s so easy to think of you as a mom and not Dad,” Scottie said tentatively, “But I decided to accept Bart’s offer and have him take me out on a date tonight.”
“Sara,” I said using her girl name just as easily, “do you plan on going down the path I went with the Baron?” referring to my evening spent as the Austrian’s lover.
“Oh, Annette, dahling,” she mocked me with his accent, “you looked and sounded like a woman who loved being fucked silly. How could I not follow your lead?”
We both giggled and I took a moment to take in how the MJ Resort had affected us.
“Dear girl,” I cooed, “the female orgasm is delightful. Go have fun tonight, and I cannot wait to hear your story at breakfast tomorrow…”
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