on us
“William Martin – shame on you for being such a poor role model to your son Carlton – taking him to a tawdry strip club on his 18th birthday,” said my cousin Tonya as she chastised me.
“Look, since my wife Denise died last year, the boy and I haven’t spent much time together,” I said in my defense.

“I know why you chose it to, cuz – you ain’t that much of a man but you’re ashamed to let your child know. So let me introduce you to your DAUGHTER – Cassandra,” she smirked.
OMG – it was my pride and joy, looking as fine as any young woman her age. She spoke in a soft voice that my son never had.
“I used to watch you and Momma dress on Halloween as sisters, and I always wished that I could have dressed up like my two moms and gone out to party with some studs. How about you let Auntie Tonya make you up like my sexy
mother Whitney and we go celebrate my birthday as ladies?”
Shame on me for not realizing that Cassi and I would be closer as mom/daughter than ever! And we bonded over strippers again, but this time we got up close and personal with some fine ass men!
And yes , we both now enjoy putting our soft, pretty lips around these kinds of “straws!”
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