The Murphys:
Where’s Amber? pt 2
“Mom! Nana! You’re OK! I was so worried!” Amber called out as she ran to embrace her worried family.
Lisa barely squeaked out an “Love you,” before breaking down in tears.
Ginger sobbed “Amber, we’re so sorry,” as the tears ran down her face.
Amber cried as well, tears of joy at seeing them OK. They embraced for two entire minutes before the pretty teen asked if this was a good girly cry. That made the trio laugh which broke their emotional outpouring. Then a stunning brunette woman walked through the door.
“Miss Tina – they’re OK. Thank you for helping me find them. I was so worried!”

“I know you were Amber! I does my heart so good to see a family show such much love,” the mysterious lady cooed. She then turned to Ginger and Lisa, “Hi, I’m Tina DeGallo, and I was one of the volunteer hostesses at last night’s J-Club event. I believe you met my step-son Jason, he was happy to escort this cute little thing all night.”
“Is Jason OK?” Lisa asked.
“He’s fine, he just left with his dad, my husband Mike, for some breakfast. After Amber couldn’t find you, Jason told Mike and me, and I used to be a detective with the City Police. Now I’m the Madame Jae liaison to city affairs, so I called some of my old pals here, and I also know that you, Miss Ginger, were talking with my mother last night.”
Ginger smiled, “You’re Luci Genovese’s daughter, aren’t you? I can see the resemblance, God she’s so gorgeous and what a great body she has!”
“That’s my mama! “ Tina laughed. “You know, just like your family, we have three generations of MJ girls in our house. And my baby girl Juli just got married last month.”
"Jason showed me pictures on his iPhone, Mom. She was so pretty in her gown, and the entire bridal party and many guests were MJ girls , just like Miss Tina and Juli’s grandmom,” Amber gushed .
The foursome chatted until Tina’s contact at City PD tapped her on the shoulder. “Ladies, all the paperwork for the missing persons is over. How about we join my guys at the diner for breakfast – my treat!”
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