After several months, Sara’s boyfriend Travis proposed to her in front of all of their friends and family. She cried as she accepted his ring, and her transformation from irresponsible teen father to loving mother, girlfriend – and soon to be wife! Sara’s former father Marcy, now her happy hottie Mom, had accepted the ring of her beau John just two weeks before, and now the thrilled T-babes planned a double wedding.

Of course, Anna (Sara’s daughter and Marcy’s grandchild) was a little young to understand, but she did say that Mommy and Mom-Mom were “pretty” in their gowns – and when the new couples came to Waikiki, John’s sister came as babysitter so that the adults could have some romantic time alone.
The first night was magical and eye opening for both blushing brides, and that next day, the guys went to play some golf while the girls caught up on their tans – and a little girl talk.
“You know , honey,” Marcy cooed, “One day, we might be back here in paradise when Anna finds her soulmate and goes on her own honeymoon. She already loves wearing her swimsuit, and if she’s like us, she’ll really enjoy showing off for the boys. Just like her mother – and grandmother!”
Sara grinned, “Three generations of bikini babe? What a great idea, Mom. But right now, let’s talk about what it was like for us to be made love to by our wonderful, hunky husbands.”
Marcy nodded as they laughed and sipped their drinks.
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