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Before I Go To Bed (599th post - and a caption challenge!)

 Hello Loves,

It's hard to believe that this blog has had 599 posts - well it did, but if you went back and counted you'd actually find 598 as one post was pulled by the "watchdogs" over picture license.  That post still exists on my Tumblr site, and I should hold a contest to see who can find it ;)

I'm enjoying taking this blog - and my image - further down the path of eroticism.  It was explained to me by a lovely but decadent person that an enjoyable part of family TG-ness is that if I am a mother (and grandmother) "figure" then I am being dominant in the feminization of my "children."   I respect that opinion and share it - to a point.

The fact is - I feel like I'm the one being wickedly and sinfully indoctrinated into further sensual pleasure.  Whether it be the  "Hyde Honeys" or "Hyde Hotties" or "Hyde Hell of Wheels", I enjoy pushing your buttons - but GOD you push mine so well!  Every subscriber to this blogger, everyone of my cherish friends who has commented, every perverted one of you who wants to play fantasy mommy-daughter with me...

Thank you... I usually fall asleep with a smile on my face and I think my "second life" here might be a big reason why! :)

Love, Annie (aka Mom/Nana)

PS: I have a challenge for all you dirty minds out there....

I don't have to explain what it is you are looking at, do I? ;)  These ladies are suppose to remind you of a certain blonde pop princess and her redneck stage momma.  Pretend I, Annabelle, am the one of the left, and you are face to face with me - and this hard cock.  How did we get here?  What is on your mind?  What's on mind?  We know what's on HIS mind!  

Give it your best shot kids.  Post in on your Blog, Tumblr, Rachel's Haven or send me on email (check the profile)  Everyone's a winner, especially me.  We split the cummy goodness ;)
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